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The following are a summation of some of the policies followed by Excel Preschool. Please see the Parent Handbook for a full list of policies.


Attendance & Absences

Attendance is recorded daily. Students who are ill or absent do not qualify for a reduced or deducted tuition cost.


Vacation days are allotted for each student depending on their attendance schedule, and requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance. Vacation days are not to be used retroactively for previous absences, only for future absences.


The school year runs from September to August each year. The facility will be closed for 1-2 days prior to the start of a new school year to shuffle classrooms for the new year. Excel Preschool is also closed for the following holidays/holidays observed: Labor Day, Thanksgiving day and the Friday after, Christmas Eve and day, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, and Independence day. Families are not charged for holiday closures.


Students who need to disenroll need to provide a 2 week written notice in order to avoid tuition charges being processed past the last day of attendance.


Drop off & Pick up

Parents will walk students into the classroom at drop off.


The drop off window is 30 minutes in the morning, from 7:30AM to 8AM. Breakfast is served at 8AM and students arriving after this time will miss breakfast.


Late drop offs can  be communicated to teachers through the HiMama app or by calling the center.


Students are only allowed to picked up by authorized adults. To add an authorized adult, complete the Add an Authorized Pickup Form.


For half day pick up, students are dismissed out the side door to meet parents in the parking lot.


For full day pick ups, parents will enter into the building by ringing the doorbell. They will then be buzzed through to gather their child's belongings and meet them in the classroom.


Late fees apply to half-day pick ups that occur after 12:10PM, and full-day pickups that occur 5 minutes or more after closing.


Illness Policy

Your child must stay home or will be sent home if any of the following occur:


  • Who has a reportable illness or condition that is contagious (Parents must inform us within 24 hours if their child has a contagious disease)

  • With chicken pox until the child is no longer infectious or until the lesions are crusted over

  • Who has vomited in the last 24 hours

  • Who has had any abnormally loose stools since arriving that day

  • Who has contagious conjunctivitis or pus draining from the eye (pink eye)

  • Who has a bacterial infection and has not completed 24 hours of antibiotics

  • Who has unexplained lethargy and is unable to participate in all the regular activities of the day

  • Who has a 100-degree Fahrenheit temperature or above before fever reducing medication is given

  • Whose temperature has not been below 100 degrees for 24 hours

  • Who has an undiagnosed rash or a rash attributable to a contagious illness or condition​


Meals & Snacks

Breakfast, morning snack, and afternoon snack are provided by the facility. 


Lunch must be packed from home for aftercare students. Please pack it in a temperature controlled lunchbox as lunches are not stored in a refrigerator.


Parents can bring in treats for special occasions per their discretion.


Parents may be asked to bring snacks in for holiday parties. 


Additional snack donations may be requested throughout the year.


Parent Communication

Parents are welcome to observe at any point during the school day. Please just check in with the Director to plan your visit.


Daily, weekly and monthly parent communication is done through the HiMama app. Parents will get daily reports with activities, behavior, and mood. Teachers communicate weekly about the lessons for the upcoming week as well as provide parent resources. The Director may send out monthly communications as needed with center updates or center-wide activities.


Parents are encouraged to have open dialogue with teachers in addition to what is already built in at their discretion.


Payment Policies

Tuition payments are automatically deducted every 2 weeks for the upcoming tuition expenses.


Any cash, check payments must be processed prior to student attendance.


Tuition is reduced on weeks the center is closed for holidays if your child normally attends on the day of the closure.


Fees may occur for late pick ups, lack of lunch or diapers, late payments, or NSF payments.


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